In the meantime.
You do not have to go abroad to speak a new language. When I read some articles here at ezinearticles I’ve come across the statement that there are already big differences between the east coast and the west coast in the US. “They speak a different language over there.”
You could travel less to experience language differences within one and the same company. The departmental differences in languages can be huge. A good lesson for all of us would be to reserve one morning and help you colleagues in another department. Experience how they work around ‘there’ and find out what the differences are. It will open your mind (and it is good for the working relations).
Back to the four employees. And back to the moment when the four will meet again after one year. What will happen?
The ones that stayed where they were have learned and improved their working methods. As in other years, the productivity grew by improving their working methods, communication skills, etc.
The two that have been away experienced a complete new environment. When they come back to the original department, the first thing they will do is – after a thorough interaction about the mutual experiences – to bring new ideas in. They want to change the working habits, alter the procedures and probably also introduce a feature they have seen in the other organization.
The four colleagues argue a bit about the advantages and disadvantages, they exchange some more ideas and after a while business will turn back as usual. Or maybe not. Depending on the situation.
Many times a change is not necessary. Ideas are always welcome, newcomers are a fruitful source of fresh ideas (young people are sometimes hired for that goal – to refresh the culture), but what suits well for one organization doesn’t have to be an issue for another. There should be an urgency to change. If that is not the case, you might as well continue the improvement path.
© 2005 Hans Bool / Astor White
Hans Bool is founder of Astor White a traditional consulting company with Internet as the main interaction medium. By offering online tools we can address management issues in hours what normally would take days of consultancy. Astor White. Committed to your management issues. On a distance.
Labels: Relationship Problems, Sexual Health, Sexual Problems, Unhappy Couple, Unhappy Husband, Unhappy Lover, Unhappy Wife
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